FarmDemo Conference

21 05 2019 - 09:30 to 16:30

The FarmDemo Conference, organised by the Horizon 2020 projects PLAID, AgriDemo F2F and NEFERTITI, will take place on 21 May in Brussels, Herman Teirlinck building, Havenlaan 22. Farmers, advisors, researchers, and policy-makers are invited to participate. The best place to gain new knowledge, share your experience with others and learn how to implement innovations is on the farm. The FarmDemo Hub offers the opportunity to join the FarmDemo community, share tools to enhance on-farm demonstration, improve peer-to-peer learning, and boost innovation uptake. There are 200 seats available – book your spot now!

You can register online by filling in this form. Find here the draft programme of the event

Brussel, België